EFT, often referred to as tapping, can be likened to a psychological version of acupuncture. EFT is based on the idea that tapping on acupressure points on the face and upper body can help release blocked emotions and reduce negative feelings. An EFT practitioner will guide you through the necessary techniques, but once the client is comfortable, it’s possible and often recommended to use it on your own outside of sessions.
EFT is an evidence-based healing technique utilizing a body/mind approach. It involves tapping body points in a sequence while focusing on an emotional or physical issue which can improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Tapping utilizes the meridian system within the body. Each meridian has several acupressure points along its path. When focusing on a difficult/negative issue while tapping these points, we are sending a signal to the amygdala that tells us we are safe, thus rewiring the brain to choose a better thought/response.
Some benefits that may be experienced with Tapping: