Full Body Thermography and Breast Health

Enjoy state-of-the-art technology backed by over 30 years of patented research by European practitioners specializing in integrative health from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.

Full Body Thermography is a non-invasive technology that evaluates key breast health factors, including endocrine and immune system function, as well as systemic toxicity. While mammography, ultrasound, and MRIs focus on breast anatomy, Thermography offers a functional analysis of breast physiology. Mammograms detect abnormal tissue density and growth, but Thermography uncovers dysfunction and underlying causes. Adding Thermography to your breast health screening provides a more comprehensive approach to prevention and restoration of wellness.

Thermography can reveal physiological signs that may indicate a serious disease is developing, prompting the need for further testing. It serves as a valuable first-line screening tool, though no single test should stand alone—each should be used in combination with other diagnostic methods. Thermography helps practitioners understand underlying causes of disease and develop an effective treatment strategy.

Regulation Thermography should be part of routine health screenings, used alongside other screening and diagnostic tools. A baseline Whole Body Thermography scan is recommended for all women, regardless of age, to avoid complacency from reliance on family history or negative findings from physical exams and other imaging results.

Contact us today to schedule your Full Body Thermography and ensure you are taking the right steps toward prevention and overall health restoration.

Increasing Accuracy of Breast Cancer Detection with Regulation Thermometry

Regulation Thermometry: Revealing Functional Signatures of Disease Progression & Development

The Link Between Disease and Concurrent Dental Infections

Whole Body Thermometry Female Sample Report


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John 10:10 - I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Get your body to a state of balance state where it can begin to heal itself the way God created it to do.

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